Fingers Bomb ® Information and contact Juanma García Escobar -  /

All our games promote spatial awareness and encourage exercise. The launch of Fingers Bomb ® is a mechanism that both strength and direction of the shot better with practice. In addition to the games that we propose here, you can play all games that are based on a passed ball played to another, but replacing the ball by a Fingers Bomb ®
Remember that firing a Fingers Bomb ® is totally unpredictable, that adds difficulty to the shot and makes the game much more fun.
The size of Fingers Bomb ® has been studied so it can also be used by adults, and thus encourage parental involvement in the game.

Finger tenis
2 players.

We need a table and accessories that make the network. We use books placed standing, cardboard covers, etc ...
We will be launching the FB under pressure and the opposing player must catch it in the air.
If the opponent does not catch it and falls into its part of the table have a point.
If the opponent does not catch it, but it falls off the table, he will have a point.
Go outside or inside the table, if the opponent plays the FB, but not what we ended up getting a point. Win before reaching 10, 15, 20 ... points as agreed to before you start.

War of the
Fingers Bomb

2 players or 2 teams,

Put all the FB stood in the center, arranged in groups and the way we like. Be placed to one side or the other of the FB group and moved to the dreaded fingerd (the characters we least like. To understand the "bad"). Players will be placed face to face, one on each side of the FB, a distance of approximately 2.5 m.
FB will be chosen as a projectile and begin firing on the FB group
Each player will have a FB and shot down a point and win the most points after having downed all
The player that knocks down a FB, will lose whatever points you have achieved.

Finger Jump


Game objective: Reach the goal first.
It establishes a starting point "EXIT" and a "META". Each player will have a FB and shoot with the index finger or thumb pressing her body. When they released the FB will shoot
Order will be established and each player will be throwing his FB. To designate at 1, 2, etc, will be a preview release and it will go farther on 1, which go back, 2 nd, 3 rd ...
After each round, all players to pull back from the exact point where your FB has fallen in the last shot.
If the FB after a shot is standing, the player will shoot. The first to reach the "META" must win.
According as you remember before you begin:
a) The last to arrive at the "META" FB will pay the winner, escaping the other players.

b) All players pay the winner a FB.

Against the shipwrecked pirates

2,3, 4...players

A circle chalked on the floor that will be the island.
If we can not chalk can use a paper in the shape we want. The approximate measure of the island has to be about 30 cm.
The player who is shipwrecked on the island place (inside the circle or on paper) and can not step outside of one of the ways. The pirates (other players) are placed at 4 meters approx. and begin to shoot alternately one by one.
At a distance like this on FB is in a downward trend and in no case will damage the shipwreck.
The shipwreck can move throughout the body, even jump and move your feet to avoid the FB without stepping on any outside space delimiter, where it would be devoured by sharks.
5 rounds will be conducted or shot by pirates and then the player who played castaway pirate will become one of the pirates come on the island.
Each player has an account. For each hit the pirate have a positive point. For every time you have been hit by a negative shot. The game will finish when all players have been statues 5 rounds and win the most points you have at that time.

El zeppelin

1, 2,3, 4...players

FB to launch the air and the winner will be the one that is longer flying without falling to the ground.

Finger Basket

1, 2,3, 4...players

Post a shoebox next to the wall. Will mark a line 1.5 to 2 meters from the wall.
Each player will put on line 3 FINGERS BOMB and go throwing alternately. The winner is the player who puts more Fingers layup.